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Energy and matter are the two sides of the same coin and each of them is complementary to the other and subject to precise rules that have always ordered their functions.
From balance of these forces is born more that 4 years ago @Libratum project, the most innovative technology 100% made in Italy. 
Proud to present our  technology  also in english!
 watch the video and discover our world!
 watch the news on our website
 watch tests confirming validity of our products

Creato da:

Libratum Management
Libratum Management


03 Marzo 2023


campi elettromagnetici, presentazione , tecnologia

Libratum®non è un dispositivo di tipo Medico o Paramedico

Contatta Libratum

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   Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 

  +39 351 95 06 541

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